Why was Ben Hogan so amazing at drivinggolf ballsn this article, Mike Maves, (aka SEVAM in the golf forums) the author of "The Secret is in the Dirt" analyzes Ben Hogan's golf swing and helps us use Ben Hogan's lifetime golf skills to take strokes off our golf game Ben Hogan is famously quoted as saying things like "I dug it out of the dirt." or "The secret is in the dirt"t's been re-quoted numerous different ways as wellost of us just leave it at that and figure that he was just saying "Go out and practice your ass off and you just might get it."SEVAM thinks that There is much more to thisther people since Hogan have worked just as hard and have had access to better equipment and instruction than Hogan had at his disposal and yet no one has gotten to that level of perfection in ball-striking with the possible exception of Moe NormanEVAM concluded that there must have been something more to itogan was a natural genius and it showed ... [Read More - Help Lose Weight Fast]

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