Sleep apnea in children is a really Well-liked form of sleep disorder, with the most Well-liked type being Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndromehis disorder is characterized by repeated episodes of obstruction in the upper airways that occur only while sleeping, causing the child to momentarily stop breathing, thus reducing the blood oxygen saturationhe most Well-liked symptoms associated with obstructive apnea are excessive daytime sleepiness, caused by a fretful night of sleep, and widespread episodes of obstructed breathing during sleepsually the patient is unaware of these pauses in breathing; however, his or her parents are typically well aware of the problemther symptoms associated with sleep apnea in children include: * Loud, even squeaky snoring* Gasping or choking noises while sleeping* Restless sleep* Irregular breathing which can be heavy at times* typical episodes of bed-wetting* Nightmares or bad dreams* Sleeping primarily with mouth open, causing a very dry mouth upon awakening* Che ... [Read More - How To Tighten Up A Flabby Belly]

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