How Many Calories Does It Take To Lose Weight : Milk Thistle May Possibly Help With Cirrhosis, Gallstones, And Hepatitis Liver Problems - Milk thistle, botanically Silybum Adans, is a member of the daisy family that is native to the Mediterranean, the Middle East and North Africa but has also been introduced to California and parts of the eastern side of the USA, and can help with problems such as cirrhosis, gallstones and hepatitislthough it has been recorded as being used in medieval times as a tonic for the liver, it is only relatively recently that its chemical components have been investigatednalysis indicated the presence of hitherto unknown flavonoids which were given the name of silymarinn general, flavonoids are strong antioxidants found in several fruits and vegetables that eat up the free radicals that cause so much damage to our bodiesree radicals are very unstable molecules that are generated through pollution, such as smoking, car fumes, perticides etc, and that destroy body cells accelerating aginghey too oxidise the low density lipids (LDL) that carry water-insoluble cholesterol throughout the b ... [Read More - How Many Calories Does It Take To Lose Weight]
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